Vision Systems Design dives into the technology behind MotionCam-3D

March 18, 2020


Photoneo’s MotionCam-3D has entered the world of 3D vision and smart automation quite recenly; yet it has already managed to be recognized with the Vision Award 2018 and Vision Systems Design Innovators Platinum Award 2019 and as one of the ten inVision Top Innovations 2019. Have you ever wondered what makes the technology behind so special and revolutionary?

Vision Systems Design provides a comprehensive answer in its recent article on Photoneo’s proprietary mosaic shutter CMOS image sensor that powers the MotionCam-3D. Learn how it makes the camera the highest resolution and highest accuracy area-based 3D camera for scanning objects in rapid motion – up to 40 m/s, and how it solves challenges of 3D sensing that other technologies were not able to solve.



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