Case Study Application Form

General information

Who was the customer? *

Please fill in the name of the customer who adopted the solution.

Situation prior to the implementation of machine vision

Which challenges had to be mastered (e. g., market trends, profitability, quality, customer satisfaction)? How was the task handled before? *

Description of the solution/application

Description of the solution in which the machine vision product is implemented (incl. utilized hardware components) *

Which Photoneo product was used and why

Please fill in the type of the used product and why did you choose it *

Which task is being solved by Photoneo

Please describe what specific task is solved by the Photoneo product *

What was the added value of Photoneo product/technology

Please fill in what feature of Photoneo technology did you appreciate the most *

Which advantages result from the use of the described solution

(e. g., time savings, cost reduction, reduction of the error rate, increase in productivity by x %) *

Further comments

Please fill in if you have any more things to say about the application *

Video & photo

Please attach video documentation that at best represents the application *

Max file size: 64MB

By submitting this form I give full consent for Photoneo to use it in their marketing activities related to the promotion of the solution in public communication. Photoneo commits to fully reference the creator and owner of the application in all materials/promotional activities.

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